Monday, July 26, 2010


Last night there was a bug in my room. Now, I know that bugs are common during the summer, but I do have a problem with them in my room. Stay outside, fly around, crawl, do your bug thang. But don't, please, bother me.

This bug, which I never actually saw, buzzed in/around my ear for hours!!! Chinese water torture would have been preferable to this stupid bug. I tried to sleep but no luck. I tried to read but couldn't concentrate. It was awful!

God created bugs and I know He loves them. I'm going to let Him love them for the both of us.

Friday, July 16, 2010

O Canada!

I mowed my yard this week.

What? No applause?

Fine, I'll call my mom and tell her. She always praises me for taking initiative. Like making my bed on a daily basis. And canning my own vegetables. Wait. I don't can my own vegetables, but I would like to one day. And if I tell my mom that, she sends all kinds of praise my way.

But I digress. I did indeed mow my yard on Monday. Just the back. My trusty mower purred it's way across my backyard. The grass smelled wonderful, and I did not, I repeat, did not run over any dog toys this time. I really felt that my mower and I were quite a team. And then I noticed a small sticker on the back. Kind of like a bumper sticker. It was white with a red maple leaf and some lettering underneath. Intrigued, I looked closer. (The mower was off. Safety first! I'm a safety girl! - name that movie)

This cute little lawnmower bumper sticker said "Proud Product of Canada." I must say I agree with the sticker. But I had no idea Canada made lawnmowers. With all the trees and cold, do they even need lawnmowers? Those crazy Canadiens. I think I feel a little closer to our neighbors to the North. After all, we share a lawnmower now, and what brings people closer together but a lawnmower.

P.S. On a side note, my grandmother has an absolutely heiney kicking John Deere lawnmower that could eat my Canadian lawnmower. It could mow my yard in about 3 minutes. I haven't mentioned it to my mower yet. But if it steps out of line, or sings the Canadian national anthem, that's it buddy.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I Know You've Missed Me...

Hello. My name is Laura, and I'm a procrastinator. Hi, Laura! I'm so happy to be back in blogger world! Especially since two out of the five people who read this blog have chastised me, nicely of course, about the fact that it's been A REALLY LONG TIME since I've updated this blog. There's no need to go into exactly how long it's been. If you really want to know, check the previous entry's date and compare to this entry's date. Me just telling you would take all of the fun out of it.

So, now that we've established that I'm the Queen of Procrastination, I would love to share three things with you. Only three, I don't want you to excited.

1. I love rain, but I'm beginning to think I live in the rain forest. Lubbock has been under cloudy skies for months now!! Okay, not months but it's been two weeks, going on three. I need some sun, and with all of the rain, the humidity is terrible. I moved to Lubbock, in part, to escape humidity, and now I have to live with it again! Ack! My hair is flat, my towels smell midewy, and the grass is out of control. I'm not yard-work inclined (see previous post), and a jungle has erupted in my back yard. The yard boy takes care of the front, when I call him. So at least the jungle is hidden behind the fence. I really think the dogs love it. The grass is tall and thick, and the weeds are even taller. The dogs think they've been transported to a real forest/jungle/prairie, and I've noticed the beginnings of game trails through the grass. Not really, but it's the excuse I'm giving for not mowing the backyard. When in doubt, blame the dogs!

PS - no pics of the backyard. My shame is my own, and I'm not going to share it.

2. I have a new laptop. It's a MacBook, and I love it. Make no mistake, I really love it. My only
complaint is that it's white, and I'm a stain magnet. Literally. So far, I haven't stained the computer, but I bought the 3 year protection plan just in case. Apple is probably going to regret providing me three years of prote
ction. They don't know why I had to replace my last computer. I promised my mom I wouldn't tell the story of how she accidentally got on porn and crashed my hard drive. It's okay, my mom doesn't read my blog. She says she does, but I know she doesn't. I would be getting a lot more phone calls if she did. Mom, if you're reading this, I love you. Really.

3. I love reading and being a school librarian, but I'm not sure that I'm a librarian through and through. I attended the Texas Library Association conference this year in San Antonio. I had a fabulous time and learned a lot. But...librarians can be strange, strange people. Usually, I embrace strangeness, weirdness, nerdness. And I'm all of those things.
My best
guess is I just haven't marinated in book glue long enough. Don't get me wrong, I love librarians. I just am not hip to the lingo, down with the dialogue, have a matching cardigan and capri pants for every outfit... As some of my friends have informed me, though, it's only a matter of time. Any bets on how long I can hold out on the bun and glasses on a chain? Wait...don't answer that.

This is the Henry B. Gonzales Convention center in San Antonio. It is GIANORMOUS. And TLA had the entire convention center filled up. I have tons of pics of the conference, cool San Antonio stuff, and random interest shots. I will put those on my flickr account. I also loved my hotel - the Westin on the Riverwalk. It was beautiful, convenient, and had great soap. The best thing about the room was this chair. If I hadn't already had 20 pounds of books to cram into my suitcase, this chair would have
gone in. How is it that the furniture I really love is mostly in hotel rooms? Maybe I just want to live in a small room with people to clean up after me and bring me food. I wonder if I bought the chair, the cleaning and room service would come with it. Hmmm...