Sunday, August 9, 2009


I know that failure is a part of life. Everyone fails at one point or another. I just happen to be one of those people that try to avoid failure like it's the plague. I'd just rather not deal with it. It's not fun or funny, most of the time. However, I've had to learn that I will fail at some point, so I might as well figure out how to go one with my life.

One thing that I've failed at more than once is plant care. I just can't seem to help myself. I have the best of intentions, but, more often than not, the plants I try to take care of don't make it. I don't know if they are like dogs and can smell fear or what, but they see me coming and decide to end their lives. Some hang one longer than I ever expect, but I know that disappointment will strike, at least once, and some plant will give up the ghost.
This spring and summer, I have tried my best to be a good plant mother. My books, camera, and pets seem to be doing okay, so I thought that I'd try my hand, once again, to raise healthy, strong, good-looking plants. I have been pleasantly surprised with the outcome, both with myself and with the plants. Overall, the plants have been doing very well. One had to be thrown out due to a mold situation, but I don't think that was really my fault. In fact, most of my plants are doing great.
The geraniums are thriving. They look so pretty in the front yard. I've even been snipping off the dead blooms so that more will grace me with their beauty.

I just love their red flowers with the bright green leaves. They make the world a better place.

I even have some sweet potato vines. I've seen no evidence of actual sweet potatoes, but maybe I'm counting my potatoes before they sprout. ha, ha. Just a little garden humor. Their luscious green leaves are filled with light; literally, it's called photosynthesis.

I even have some hanging baskets in the backyard. I've had to make sure they are out of the range of Tula's plant-loving mouth. She likes to rip plants out of the pots I put them in. A yard full of grass, but no, she has to destroy all of my attempts to put plants on my patio. Aren't' these baskets gorgeous?

And now there's this. My failure. My shame. This poor guy (or gal) didn't make it. He dried up like a prune. He's crumbly and brown. It hurts my heart. I thought of burying him, but then I decided to leave him in his basket as a memorial. It's my homage to all of the dead plants that have gone before, and to those that I'm sure to come after. I've told him I'm sorry. I think he forgives me. I just hope I can forgive myself.

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