What? No applause?
Fine, I'll call my mom and tell her. She always praises me for taking initiative. Like making my bed on a daily basis. And canning my own vegetables. Wait. I don't can my own vegetables, but I would like to one day. And if I tell my mom that, she sends all kinds of praise my way.
But I digress. I did indeed mow my yard on Monday. Just the back. My trusty mower purred it's way across my backyard. The grass smelled wonderful, and I did not, I repeat, did not run over any dog toys this time. I really felt that my mower and I were quite a team. And then I noticed a small sticker on the back. Kind of like a bumper sticker. It was white with a red maple leaf and some lettering underneath. Intrigued, I looked closer. (The mower was off. Safety first! I'm a safety girl! - name that movie)
This cute little lawnmower bumper sticker said "Proud Product of Canada." I must say I agree with the sticker. But I had no idea Canada made lawnmowers. With all the trees and cold, do they even need lawnmowers? Those crazy Canadiens. I think I feel a little closer to our neighbors to the North. After all, we share a lawnmower now, and what brings people closer together but a lawnmower.
P.S. On a side note, my grandmother has an absolutely heiney kicking John Deere lawnmower that could eat my Canadian lawnmower. It could mow my yard in about 3 minutes. I haven't mentioned it to my mower yet. But if it steps out of line, or sings the Canadian national anthem, that's it buddy.
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