Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I love books. If I couldn't read books, I don't know what I would do. I've tried to not read so much, but it is harder than I thought. Summertime tends to be the worst time. I am not working most of the day, so I have lots of free time. So, a quick list of the books I've read since school let out for summer.

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
2. Fearless Fourteen
3. Finger Lickin Fifteen
4. Devil Bones
5. The Help
6. The Forgotten Garden
7. Isle of Dogs
8. Scarpetta
9. September
10. Mrs. Polifax and the Whirling Dervish
11. Trial
12. Basket Case
13. Double Whammy
14. Native Tongue
15. Seven Up
16. Hot Six
17. Ten Big Ones
18. Barefoot
19. To the Nines
20. Fatal Voyage
21. Break No Bones
22. Grave Secrets

This is no lie. I read constantly. It's my way of escape. I know I need help. Do they have Bookaholics Anonymous? Would I go if they did? I bet they play video games instead of reading.


  1. Wow you seriously may have a problem there! i love to read but even on holiday am struggling to find the time. :( So sad. Too bad.

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  2. I don't know of a Readers Anonymous ... but I do know of a Book Club that is starting up in the area.
